
 * External is a virtual namespace to describe types to implement

 * in external objects to be used by business objects.


 * @namespace external


var external = {

  //region Configuration


   * The configuration file of business objects. It can be a JSON file (.json) or

   * a JavaScript file (.js) that returns an object with the following properties:


   * @typedef external.configurationFile

   * @type {object}

   * @property {string} connectionManager -

   *    The relative path of the connection manager constructor.

   *    The created object must inherit {@link bo.dataAccess.ConnectionManagerBase}.

   * @property {string} [daoBuilder] -

   *    The relative path of the factory {@link external.daoBuilder method} to create data access objects.

   *    The default builder method is {@link bo.dataAccess.daoBuilder}.

   * @property {string} [getUser] -

   *    The relative path of the {@link external.getUser method} that returns the current user.

   * @property {string} [getLocale] -

   *    The relative path of the {@link external.getLocale method} that returns the current locale.

   * @property {string} [pathOfLocales] -

   *    The relative path of the directory containing project locales.

   * @property {(number|string)} [noAccessBehavior] -

   *    The default behavior for unauthorized operations. Valid values are:


   *    * 0 or 'throwError', the default value

   *    * 1 or 'showError'

   *    * 2 or 'showWarning'

   *    * 3 or 'showInformation'



   * Returns the current user.


   * @typedef external.getUser

   * @type {function}

   * @returns {bo.system.UserInfo} The current user or null.



   * Returns the current locale.


   * @typedef external.getLocale

   * @type {function}

   * @returns {string} The current locale or an empty string.



   * Factory method to create the data access object for a model instance.


   * @typedef external.daoBuilder

   * @type {function}

   * @param {string} dataSource - The name of the data source.

   * @param {string} modelPath - The model definition path of the business

   *      object model instance that the data access object belongs to.

   * @param {string} modelName - The name of the business object model.

   * @returns {bo.dataAccess.DaoBase} The data access object.



  //region Property functions


   * Gets the value of a model property.


   * @typedef external.propertyGetter

   * @type {function}

   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyContext} context - The context for custom property functions.

   * @returns {*} The current value of the property.



   * Sets the value of a model property.


   * @typedef external.propertySetter

   * @type {function}

   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyContext} context - The context for custom property functions.

   * @param {*} value - The new value of the property.

   * @returns {boolean} True if the value of the property has been changed, otherwise false.



  //region Transfer object methods


   * Transforms the business object instance to a plain object to send to the data access object.


   * @typedef external.toDto

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.TransferContext} context - The context for custom transfer object conversions.

   * @returns {object} The data transfer object.



   * Rebuilds the business object from a plain object sent by the data access object.


   * @typedef external.fromDto

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.TransferContext} context - The context for custom transfer object conversions.

   * @param {object} dto - The data transfer object.



   * Transforms the business object instance to a plain object to send to the client.


   * @typedef external.toCto

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.TransferContext} context - The context for custom transfer object conversions.

   * @returns {object} The client transfer object.



   * Rebuilds the business object from a plain object sent by the client.


   * @typedef external.fromCto

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.TransferContext} context - The context for custom transfer object conversions.

   * @param {object} cto - The client transfer object.



  //region Data portal methods


   * Initializes the property values of a new business object instance from the data source.


   * @typedef external.dataCreate

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalContext} context - The context for custom data portal conversions.

   * @param {function} callback - Callback function to return error (in asynchronous models).



   * Sets the property values of an existing business object instance from the data source.


   * @typedef external.dataFetch

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalContext} context - The context for custom data portal conversions.

   * @param {*} filter - The criteria of the selection.

   * @param {string} method - The name of the selection method, defaults to 'fetch'.

   * @param {function} callback - Callback function to return child values or error (in asynchronous models).

   * @returns {object} Plain object holding child values (in synchronous models).



   * Saves the property values of a new business object instance into the data source.


   * @typedef external.dataInsert

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalContext} context - The context for custom data portal conversions.

   * @param {function} callback - Callback function to return error (in asynchronous models).



   * Saves the property values of an existing business object instance into the data source.


   * @typedef external.dataUpdate

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalContext} context - The context for custom data portal conversions.

   * @param {function} callback - Callback function to return error (in asynchronous models).



   * Deletes the property values of an existing business object instance from the data source.


   * @typedef external.dataRemove

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalContext} context - The context for custom data portal conversions.

   * @param {function} callback - Callback function to return error (in asynchronous models).



   * Executes a command on the data source.


   * @typedef external.dataExecute

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalContext} context - The context for custom data portal conversions.

   * @param {string} method - The name of the execution method, defaults to 'execute'.

   * @param {function} callback - Callback function to return child values or error (in asynchronous models).

   * @returns {object} Plain object holding child values (in synchronous models).



  //region Callback methods


   * The callback to be called when the execution of a connection manager method has finished.


   * @callback external.cbConnectionManager

   * @param {error} err - The error that occurred in the connection manager.

   * @param {object} connection - The connection for the data source.



   * The callback to be called when the execution of a method has finished

   * that calls an asynchronous data portal action.


   * @callback external.cbDataPortal

   * @param {(bo.shared.DataPortalError|bo.rules.AuthorizationError)} err - The error that occurred in the data portal action.

   * @param {object} result - The business object instance with the new state.



   * The callback to be called in collection methods.


   * @callback external.cbCollectionItem

   * @param {{}} currentValue - The current item being processed in the collection.

   * @param {number} index - The index of the current item being processed in the collection.

   * @param {Array.<object>} collection - The collection method was called upon.



   * The callback to be called when the execution of a model rebuild method has finished.


   * @callback external.cbFromCto

   * @param {error} err - The error that occurred in the model.



   * The callback to be called to define the sort order in a collection.


   * @callback external.cbCompare

   * @param {object} a - First object to compare.

   * @param {object} b - Second object to compare.

   * @returns {number} Returns


   *    * < 0, when a comes first

   *    * = 0, when a and b are left unchanged

   *    * \> 0, when b comes first



  //region Events


   * Executes some actions on an event of a business object instance.


   * @typedef external.eventHandler

   * @type {function}

   * @this ModelBase

   * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} context - The context for data portal events.


