
 * Internal is a virtual namespace to describe generic functions passed as parameters

 * and called internally in business objects and their components.


 * @namespace internal


var internal = {


   * Gets the value of a model property.


   * @function internal~getValue

   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} property - The definition of the model property.

   * @returns {*} The current value of the property.


  getValue: function (property) {},


   * Sets the value of a model property.


   * @function internal~setValue

   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} property - The definition of the model property.

   * @param {*} value - The new value of the property.


  setValue: function (property, value) {},


   * Initializes the business objects.


   * @function internal~initializeCfg

   * @param {string} cfgPath -

   *    The relative path of the {@link external.configurationFile configuration file} (.js or .json).

   *    E.g. /config/business-objects.json


  initializeCfg: function (cfgPath) {}
