'use strict';

//region Imports

var util = require('util');

var config = require('./shared/configuration-reader.js');

var Argument = require('./system/argument-check.js');

var CollectionBase = require('./collection-base.js');

var ModelError = require('./shared/model-error.js');

var ExtensionManagerSync = require('./shared/extension-manager-sync.js');

var EventHandlerList = require('./shared/event-handler-list.js');

var DataStore = require('./shared/data-store.js');

var TransferContext = require('./shared/transfer-context.js');

var RuleManager = require('./rules/rule-manager.js');

var BrokenRuleList = require('./rules/broken-rule-list.js');

var AuthorizationAction = require('./rules/authorization-action.js');

var AuthorizationContext = require('./rules/authorization-context.js');

var BrokenRulesResponse = require('./rules/broken-rules-response.js');

var DataPortalAction = require('./shared/data-portal-action.js');

var DataPortalContext = require('./shared/data-portal-context.js');

var DataPortalEvent = require('./shared/data-portal-event.js');

var DataPortalEventArgs = require('./shared/data-portal-event-args.js');

var DataPortalError = require('./shared/data-portal-error.js');

var MODEL_STATE = require('./shared/model-state.js');

var CLASS_NAME = 'EditableRootCollectionSync';

var MODEL_DESC = 'Editable root collection';

var M_FETCH = DataPortalAction.getName(DataPortalAction.fetch);



 * Factory method to create definitions of synchronous editable root collections.


 *    Valid collection item types are:


 *      * EditableChildModelSync


 * @function bo.EditableRootCollectionSync

 * @param {string} name - The name of the collection.

 * @param {EditableChildModelSync} itemType - The model type of the collection items.

 * @param {bo.shared.RuleManager} rules - The authorization rules.

 * @param {bo.shared.ExtensionManagerSync} extensions - The customization of the collection.

 * @returns {EditableRootCollectionSync} The constructor of a synchronous editable root collection.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The collection name must be a non-empty string.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The rules must be a RuleManager object.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The extensions must be a ExtensionManagerSync object.

 * @throws {@link bo.shared.ModelError Model error}: The item type must be an EditableChildModelSync.


var EditableRootCollectionSyncFactory = function (name, itemType, rules, extensions) {

  var check = Argument.inConstructor(CLASS_NAME);

  name = check(name).forMandatory('name').asString();

  rules = check(rules).forMandatory('rules').asType(RuleManager);

  extensions = check(extensions).forMandatory('extensions').asType(ExtensionManagerSync);

  // Verify the model type of the item type.

  if (itemType.modelType !== 'EditableChildModelSync')

    throw new ModelError('invalidItem',

        itemType.prototype.name, itemType.modelType,

        CLASS_NAME, 'EditableChildModelSync');

  // Get data access object.

  var dao = extensions.getDataAccessObject(name);


   * @classdesc

   *    Represents the definition of a synchronous editable root collection.

   * @description

   *    Creates a new synchronous editable root collection instance.


   *    _The name of the model type available as:

   *    __<instance>.constructor.modelType__, returns 'EditableRootCollectionSync'._


   * @name EditableRootCollectionSync

   * @constructor

   * @param {bo.shared.EventHandlerList} [eventHandlers] - The event handlers of the instance.


   * @extends CollectionBase


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

   *    The event handlers must be an EventHandlerList object or null.


   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#preCreate

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#postCreate

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#preFetch

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#postFetch

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#preInsert

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#postInsert

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#preUpdate

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#postUpdate

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#preRemove

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#postRemove

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#preSave

   * @fires EditableRootCollectionSync#postSave


  var EditableRootCollectionSync = function (eventHandlers) {


    eventHandlers = Argument.inConstructor(name)


    var self = this;

    var state = null;

    var isDirty = false;

    var items = [];

    var brokenRules = new BrokenRuleList(name);

    var isValidated = false;

    var dataContext = null;

    var connection = null;


     * The name of the model.


     * @name EditableRootCollectionSync#$modelName

     * @type {string}

     * @readonly


    this.$modelName = name;


     * The count of the child objects in the collection.


     * @name EditableRootCollectionSync#count

     * @type {number}

     * @readonly


    Object.defineProperty(self, 'count', {

      get: function () {

        return items.length;


      enumerable: false


    // Set up business rules.


    // Set up event handlers.

    if (eventHandlers)


    //region Mark object state


     * From:         To:  | pri | cre | cha | mfr | rem

     * -------------------------------------------------

     * NULL               |  +  |  +  |  N  |  N  |  N

     * -------------------------------------------------

     * pristine           |  o  |  -  |  +  |  +  |  -

     * -------------------------------------------------

     * created            |  +  |  o  |  o  | (-) |  +

     * -------------------------------------------------

     * changed            |  +  |  -  |  o  |  +  |  -

     * -------------------------------------------------

     * markedForRemoval   |  -  |  -  |  o  |  o  |  +

     * -------------------------------------------------

     * removed            |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  o

     * -------------------------------------------------


     * Explanation:

     *   +  :  possible transition

     *   -  :  not allowed transition, throws exception

     *   o  :  no change, no action

     *   N  :  impossible start up, throws exception


    function markAsPristine() {

      if (state === MODEL_STATE.markedForRemoval || state === MODEL_STATE.removed)


      else if (state !== MODEL_STATE.pristine) {

        state = MODEL_STATE.pristine;

        isDirty = false;



    function markAsCreated() {

      if (state === null) {

        state = MODEL_STATE.created;

        isDirty = true;


      else if (state !== MODEL_STATE.created)



    function markAsChanged(itself) {

      if (state === MODEL_STATE.pristine) {

        state = MODEL_STATE.changed;

        isDirty = isDirty || itself;

        isValidated = false;


      else if (state === MODEL_STATE.created) {

        isDirty = isDirty || itself;

        isValidated = false;


      else if (state === MODEL_STATE.removed)



    function markForRemoval() {

      if (state === MODEL_STATE.pristine || state === MODEL_STATE.changed) {

        state = MODEL_STATE.markedForRemoval;

        isDirty = true;

        propagateRemoval(); // down to children


      else if (state === MODEL_STATE.created)

        state = MODEL_STATE.removed;

      else if (state !== MODEL_STATE.markedForRemoval)



    function markAsRemoved() {

      if (state === MODEL_STATE.created || state === MODEL_STATE.markedForRemoval) {

        state = MODEL_STATE.removed;

        isDirty = false;


      else if (state !== MODEL_STATE.removed)



    function illegal(newState) {

      throw new ModelError('transition',

          (state == null ? 'NULL' : MODEL_STATE.getName(state)),




     * Notes that a child object has changed.

     * <br/>_This method is called by child objects._


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#childHasChanged

     * @protected


    this.childHasChanged = function() {



    function propagateRemoval() {

      items.forEach(function(child) {





    //region Show object state


     * Gets the state of the collection. Valid states are:

     * pristine, created, changed, markedForRemoval and removed.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#getModelState

     * @returns {string} The state of the collection.


    this.getModelState = function () {

      return MODEL_STATE.getName(state);



     * Indicates whether the business object collection has been created newly

     * and not has been yet saved, i.e. its state is created.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#isNew

     * @returns {boolean} True when the business object collection is new, otherwise false.


    this.isNew = function () {

      return state === MODEL_STATE.created;



     * Indicates whether the business object collection itself or any of its child objects differs the

     * one that is stored in the repository, i.e. its state is created, changed or markedForRemoval.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#isDirty

     * @returns {boolean} True when the business object collection has been changed, otherwise false.


    this.isDirty = function () {

      return state === MODEL_STATE.created ||

          state === MODEL_STATE.changed ||

          state === MODEL_STATE.markedForRemoval;



     * Indicates whether the business object collection itself, ignoring its child objects,

     * differs the one that is stored in the repository.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#isSelfDirty

     * @returns {boolean} True when the business object collection itself has been changed, otherwise false.


    this.isSelfDirty = function () {

      return isDirty;



     * Indicates whether the business object collection will be deleted from the repository,

     * i.e. its state is markedForRemoval.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#isDeleted

     * @returns {boolean} True when the business object collection will be deleted, otherwise false.


    this.isDeleted = function () {

      return state === MODEL_STATE.markedForRemoval;



     * Indicates whether the business object collection can be saved to the repository,

     * i.e. it has ben changed and is valid, and the user has permission to save it.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#isSavable

     * @returns {boolean} True when the user can save the business object collection, otherwise false.


    this.isSavable = function () {

      var auth;

      if (self.isDeleted)

        auth = canDo(AuthorizationAction.removeObject);

      else if (self.isNew)

        auth = canDo(AuthorizationAction.createObject);


        auth = canDo(AuthorizationAction.updateObject);

      return auth && self.isDirty && self.isValid();



    //region Transfer object methods

    function getTransferContext (authorize) {

      return new TransferContext(null, null, null);


    function baseToCto() {

      var cto = [];

      items.forEach(function (item) {



      return cto;



     * Transforms the business object collection to a plain object array to send to the client.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#toCto

     * @returns {object} The client transfer object.


    this.toCto = function () {

      if (extensions.toCto)

        return extensions.toCto.call(self, getTransferContext());


        return baseToCto();


    function baseFromCto(data) {

      if (data instanceof Array) {

        var dataNew = data.filter(function () { return true; });

        var itemsLate = [];

        var index, cto;

        // Update existing items.

        for (index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {

          var item = items[index];

          var dataFound = false;

          var i = 0;

          for (; i < dataNew.length; i++) {

            cto = data[i];

            if (item.keyEquals(cto)) {


              dataFound = true;




          if (dataFound)

            dataNew.splice(i, 1);




        // Remove non existing items.

        for (index = 0; index < itemsLate.length; index++) {



        // Insert non existing data.

        for (index = 0; index < dataNew.length; index++) {

          cto = dataNew[index];

          var newItem = itemType.create(self, eventHandlers);







     * Rebuilds the business object collection from a plain object array sent by the client.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#fromCto

     * @param {object} cto - The client transfer object.


    this.fromCto = function (cto) {

      if (extensions.fromCto)

        extensions.fromCto.call(self, getTransferContext(true), cto);





    //region Permissions

    function getAuthorizationContext(action, targetName) {

      return new AuthorizationContext(action, targetName || '', brokenRules);


    function canDo (action) {

      return rules.hasPermission(




    function canExecute (methodName) {

      return rules.hasPermission(

          getAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationAction.executeMethod, methodName)




    //region Child methods

    function fetchChildren (dto) {

      if (dto instanceof Array) {

        dto.forEach(function (data) {

          var item = itemType.load(self, data, eventHandlers);





    function insertChildren (connection) {

      items.forEach(function (item) {




    function updateChildren (connection) {

      items.forEach(function (item) {




    function removeChildren (connection) {

      items.forEach(function (item) {




    function childrenAreValid () {

      return items.every(function (item) {

        return item.isValid();



    function checkChildRules () {

      items.forEach(function (item) {





    //region Data portal methods

    //region Helper

    function getDataContext (connection) {

      if (!dataContext)

        dataContext = new DataPortalContext(dao);

      return dataContext.setState(connection, false);


    function raiseEvent (event, methodName, error) {



          new DataPortalEventArgs(event, name, null, methodName, error)



    function raiseSave (event, action, error) {



          new DataPortalEventArgs(event, name, action, null, error)



    function wrapError (error) {

      return new DataPortalError(MODEL_DESC, name, DataPortalAction.fetch, error);



    //region Create

    function data_create () {

      try {

        // Open connection.

        connection = config.connectionManager.openConnection(extensions.dataSource);

        // Launch start event.


         * The event arises before the business object collection will be initialized in the repository.

         * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#preCreate

         * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

         * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} oldObject - The instance of the collection before the data portal action.



        // Execute creation - nothing to do.


        // Launch finish event.


         * The event arises after the business object collection has been initialized in the repository.

         * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#postCreate

         * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

         * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} newObject - The instance of the collection after the data portal action.



        // Close connection.

        connection = config.connectionManager.closeConnection(extensions.dataSource, connection);

      } catch (e) {

        // Wrap the intercepted error.

        var dpError = wrapError(DataPortalAction.create, e);

        // Launch finish event.

        if (connection)

          raiseEvent(DataPortalEvent.postCreate, null, dpError);

        // Close connection.

        connection = config.connectionManager.closeConnection(extensions.dataSource, connection);

        // Rethrow error.

        throw dpError;




    //region Fetch

    function data_fetch (filter, method) {

      // Check permissions.

      if (method === M_FETCH ? canDo(AuthorizationAction.fetchObject) : canExecute(method)) {

        try {

          // Open connection.

          connection = config.connectionManager.openConnection(extensions.dataSource);

          // Launch start event.


           * The event arises before the collection instance will be retrieved from the repository.

           * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#preFetch

           * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

           * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} oldObject - The collection instance before the data portal action.


          raiseEvent(DataPortalEvent.preFetch, method);

          // Execute fetch.

          var dto = null;

          if (extensions.dataFetch) {

            // *** Custom fetch.

            dto = extensions.dataFetch.call(self, getDataContext(connection), filter, method);

          } else {

            // *** Standard fetch.

            // Root element fetches data from repository.

            dto = dao.$runMethod(method, connection, filter);


          // Load children.



          // Launch finish event.


           * The event arises after the collection instance has been retrieved from the repository.

           * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#postFetch

           * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

           * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} newObject - The collection instance after the data portal action.


          raiseEvent(DataPortalEvent.postFetch, method);

          // Close connection.

          connection = config.connectionManager.closeConnection(extensions.dataSource, connection);

        } catch (e) {

          // Wrap the intercepted error.

          var dpError = wrapError(e);

          // Launch finish event.

          raiseEvent(DataPortalEvent.postFetch, method, dpError);

          // Close connection.

          connection = config.connectionManager.closeConnection(extensions.dataSource, connection);

          // Rethrow error.

          throw dpError;





    //region Insert

    function data_insert () {

      // Check permissions.

      if (canDo(AuthorizationAction.createObject)) {

        try {

          // Start transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.beginTransaction(extensions.dataSource);

          // Launch start event.

          raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.preSave, DataPortalAction.insert);


           * The event arises before the business object collection will be created in the repository.

           * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#preInsert

           * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

           * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} oldObject - The instance of the collection before the data portal action.



          // Execute insert - nothing to do.

          // Insert children as well.



          // Launch finish event.


           * The event arises after the business object collection has been created in the repository.

           * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#postInsert

           * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

           * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} newObject - The instance of the collection after the data portal action.



          raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.postSave, DataPortalAction.insert);

          // Finish transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.commitTransaction(extensions.dataSource, connection);

        } catch (e) {

          // Wrap the intercepted error.

          var dpError = wrapError(DataPortalAction.insert, e);

          // Launch finish event.

          if (connection) {

            raiseEvent(DataPortalEvent.postInsert, null, dpError);

            raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.postSave, DataPortalAction.insert, dpError);


          // Undo transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.rollbackTransaction(extensions.dataSource, connection);

          // Rethrow error.

          throw dpError;





    //region Update

    function data_update () {

      // Check permissions.

      if (canDo(AuthorizationAction.updateObject)) {

        try {

          // Start transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.beginTransaction(extensions.dataSource);

          // Launch start event.

          raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.preSave, DataPortalAction.update);


           * The event arises before the business object collection will be updated in the repository.

           * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#preUpdate

           * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

           * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} oldObject - The instance of the collection before the data portal action.



          // Execute update - nothing to do.

          // Update children as well.



          // Launch finish event.


           * The event arises after the business object collection has been updated in the repository.

           * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#postUpdate

           * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

           * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} newObject - The instance of the collection after the data portal action.



          raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.postSave, DataPortalAction.update);

          // Finish transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.commitTransaction(extensions.dataSource, connection);

        } catch (e) {

          // Wrap the intercepted error.

          var dpError = wrapError(DataPortalAction.update, e);

          // Launch finish event.

          if (connection) {

            raiseEvent(DataPortalEvent.postUpdate, null, dpError);

            raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.postSave, DataPortalAction.update, dpError);


          // Undo transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.rollbackTransaction(extensions.dataSource, connection);

          // Rethrow error.

          throw dpError;





    //region Remove

    function data_remove () {

      // Check permissions.

      if (canDo(AuthorizationAction.removeObject)) {

        try {

          // Start transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.beginTransaction(extensions.dataSource);

          // Launch start event.

          raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.preSave, DataPortalAction.remove);


           * The event arises before the business object collection will be removed from the repository.

           * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#preRemove

           * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

           * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} oldObject - The instance of the collection before the data portal action.



          // Remove children first.


          // Execute removal - nothing to do.


          // Launch finish event.


           * The event arises after the business object collection has been removed from the repository.

           * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#postRemove

           * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

           * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} newObject - The instance of the collection after the data portal action.



          raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.postSave, DataPortalAction.remove);

          // Finish transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.commitTransaction(extensions.dataSource, connection);

        } catch (e) {

          // Wrap the intercepted error.

          var dpError = wrapError(DataPortalAction.remove, e);

          // Launch finish event.

          if (connection) {

            raiseEvent(DataPortalEvent.postRemove, null, dpError);

            raiseSave(DataPortalEvent.postSave, DataPortalAction.remove, dpError);


          // Undo transaction.

          connection = config.connectionManager.rollbackTransaction(extensions.dataSource, connection);

          // Rethrow error.

          throw dpError;






    //region Actions


     * Initializes a newly created business object collection.

     * <br/>_This method is called by a factory method with the same name._


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#create

     * @protected


     * @throws {@link bo.rules.AuthorizationError Authorization error}:

     *      The user has no permission to execute the action.

     * @throws {@link bo.shared.DataPortalError Data portal error}:

     *      Creating the business object collection has failed.


    this.create = function() {




     * Creates a new item and adds it to the collection at the specified index.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#create

     * @param {number} index - The index of the new item.

     * @returns {EditableChildModelSync} The newly created business object.


    this.createItem = function (index) {

      var item = itemType.create(self, eventHandlers);

      var ix = parseInt(index, 10);

      ix = isNaN(ix) ? items.length : ix;

      items.splice(ix, 0, item);

      return item;



     * Initializes a business object collection to be retrieved from the repository.

     * <br/>_This method is called by a factory method with the same name._


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#fetch

     * @protected

     * @param {*} [filter] - The filter criteria.

     * @param {string} [method] - An alternative fetch method of the data access object.


     * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

     *      The method must be a string or null.

     * @throws {@link bo.rules.AuthorizationError Authorization error}:

     *      The user has no permission to execute the action.

     * @throws {@link bo.shared.DataPortalError Data portal error}:

     *      Fetching the business object collection has failed.


    this.fetch = function(filter, method) {

      method = Argument.inMethod(name, 'fetch')


      data_fetch(filter, method || M_FETCH);



     * Saves the changes of the business object collection to the repository.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#save

     * @returns {EditableRootCollectionSync} The business object collection with the new state after the save.


     * @throws {@link bo.rules.AuthorizationError Authorization error}:

     *      The user has no permission to execute the action.

     * @throws {@link bo.shared.DataPortalError Data portal error}:

     *      Inserting the business object collection has failed.

     * @throws {@link bo.shared.DataPortalError Data portal error}:

     *      Updating the business object collection has failed.

     * @throws {@link bo.shared.DataPortalError Data portal error}:

     *      Deleting the business object collection has failed.


    this.save = function() {

      function clearRemovedItems() {

        items = items.filter(function (item) {

          return item.getModelState() !== MODEL_STATE.getName(MODEL_STATE.removed);



      if (this.isValid()) {


         * The event arises before the business object collection will be saved in the repository.

         * The event is followed by a preInsert, preUpdate or preRemove event depending on the

         * state of the business object collection.

         * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#preSave

         * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

         * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} oldObject - The instance of the collection before the data portal action.


        switch (state) {

          case MODEL_STATE.created:


            return this;

          case MODEL_STATE.changed:



            return this;

          case MODEL_STATE.markedForRemoval:



            return null;


            return this;



         * The event arises after the business object collection has been saved in the repository.

         * The event is preceded by a postInsert, postUpdate or postRemove event depending on the

         * state of the business object collection.

         * @event EditableRootCollectionSync#postSave

         * @param {bo.shared.DataPortalEventArgs} eventArgs - Data portal event arguments.

         * @param {EditableRootCollectionSync} newObject - The instance of the collection after the data portal action.





     * Marks the business object collection to be deleted from the repository on next save.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#remove


    this.remove = function() {




    //region Validation


     * Indicates whether all validation rules of all business objects of the

     * collection succeeds. A valid business object collection may have

     * broken rules with severity of success, information and warning.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#isValid

     * @returns {boolean} True when the business object collection is valid, otherwise false.


    this.isValid = function () {

      if (!isValidated)


      return brokenRules.isValid() && childrenAreValid();



     * Executes all the validation rules of the business object, including the ones

     * of its child objects.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#checkRules


    this.checkRules = function () {



      isValidated = true;



     * Gets the broken rules of the business object.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#getBrokenRules

     * @param {string} [namespace] - The namespace of the message keys when messages are localizable.

     * @returns {bo.rules.BrokenRulesOutput} The broken rules of the business object.


    this.getBrokenRules = function (namespace) {

      var bro = brokenRules.output(namespace);

      items.forEach(function (item) {

        var childBrokenRules = item.getBrokenRules(namespace);

        if (childBrokenRules)

          bro.addChild(name, childBrokenRules);


      return bro.$length ? bro : null;



     * Gets the response to send to the client in case of broken rules.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#getResponse

     * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the reason of the failure.

     * @param {string} [namespace] - The namespace of the message keys when messages are localizable.

     * @returns {bo.rules.BrokenRulesResponse} The broken rules response to send to the client.


    this.getResponse = function (message, namespace) {

      var output = this.getBrokenRules(namespace);

      return output ? new BrokenRulesResponse(output, message) : null;



    //region Public array methods


     * Gets a collection item at a specific position.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#at

     * @param {number} index - The index of the required item in the collection.

     * @returns {EditableChildModelSync} The required collection item.


    this.at = function (index) {

      return items[index];



     * Executes a provided function once per collection item.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#forEach

     * @param {external.cbCollectionItem} callback - Function that produces an item of the new collection.


    this.forEach = function (callback) {




     * Tests whether all items in the collection pass the test implemented by the provided function.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#every

     * @param {external.cbCollectionItem} callback - Function to test for each collection item.

     * @returns {boolean} True when callback returns truthy value for each item, otherwise false.


    this.every = function (callback) {

      return items.every(callback);



     * Tests whether some item in the collection pass the test implemented by the provided function.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#some

     * @param {external.cbCollectionItem} callback - Function to test for each collection item.

     * @returns {boolean} True when callback returns truthy value for some item, otherwise false.


    this.some = function (callback) {

      return items.some(callback);



     * Creates a new array with all collection items that pass the test

     * implemented by the provided function.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#filter

     * @param {external.cbCollectionItem} callback - Function to test for each collection item.

     * @returns {Array.<EditableChildModelSync>} The new array of collection items.


    this.filter = function (callback) {

      return items.filter(callback);



     * Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function

     * on every item in this collection.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#map

     * @param {external.cbCollectionItem} callback - Function to test for each collection item.

     * @returns {Array.<*>} The new array of callback results.


    this.map = function (callback) {

      return items.map(callback);



     * Sorts the items of the collection in place and returns the collection.


     * @function EditableRootCollectionSync#sort

     * @param {external.cbCompare} [fnCompare] - Function that defines the sort order.

     *      If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode

     *      code point value, according to the string conversion of each item.

     * @returns {Array.<EditableChildModelSync>} The sorted collection.


    this.sort = function (fnCompare) {

      return items.sort(fnCompare);



    // Immutable object.



  util.inherits(EditableRootCollectionSync, CollectionBase);


   * The name of the model type.


   * @property {string} EditableRootCollectionSync.constructor.modelType

   * @default EditableRootCollectionSync

   * @readonly


  Object.defineProperty(EditableRootCollectionSync, 'modelType', {

    get: function () { return CLASS_NAME; }


  //region Factory methods


   * Creates a new editable business object collection.


   * @function EditableRootCollectionSync.create

   * @param {bo.shared.EventHandlerList} [eventHandlers] - The event handlers of the instance.

   * @returns {EditableRootCollectionSync} A new editable business collection.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

   *      The event handlers must be an EventHandlerList object or null.

   * @throws {@link bo.rules.AuthorizationError Authorization error}:

   *      The user has no permission to execute the action.

   * @throws {@link bo.shared.DataPortalError Data portal error}:

   *      Creating the business object collection has failed.


  EditableRootCollectionSync.create = function(eventHandlers) {

    var instance = new EditableRootCollectionSync(eventHandlers);


    return instance;



   * Retrieves an editable business object collection from the repository.


   * @function EditableRootCollectionSync.fetch

   * @param {*} [filter] - The filter criteria.

   * @param {string} [method] - An alternative fetch method of the data access object.

   * @param {bo.shared.EventHandlerList} [eventHandlers] - The event handlers of the instance.

   * @returns {EditableRootCollectionSync} The required editable business object collection.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

   *      The method must be a string or null.

   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

   *      The event handlers must be an EventHandlerList object or null.

   * @throws {@link bo.rules.AuthorizationError Authorization error}:

   *      The user has no permission to execute the action.

   * @throws {@link bo.shared.DataPortalError Data portal error}:

   *      Fetching the business object collection has failed.


  EditableRootCollectionSync.fetch = function(filter, method, eventHandlers) {

    var instance = new EditableRootCollectionSync(eventHandlers);

    instance.fetch(filter, method);

    return instance;



  return EditableRootCollectionSync;


module.exports = EditableRootCollectionSyncFactory;