'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');

var path = require('path');

var util = require('util');

var Utility = require('../system/utility.js');

var NEUTRAL = 'default';

var NS_ROOT = '$default';

var NS_BO = '$bo';

var locales = {};

var getCurrentLocale = function () { return NEUTRAL; };

var isInitialized = false;

//region Read locales

function readProjectLocales (pathOfLocales) {

  // Read default namespace.

  readLocales(NS_ROOT, pathOfLocales);

  // Read other namespaces.

  fs.readdirSync(pathOfLocales).filter(function (directoryName) {

    return fs.statSync(path.join(pathOfLocales, directoryName)).isDirectory() &&

        path.extname(directoryName) !== NS_ROOT &&

        path.extname(directoryName) !== NS_BO;

  }).forEach(function (directoryName) {

    readLocales(directoryName, path.join(pathOfLocales, directoryName));



function readLocales (namespace, localePath) {

  locales[namespace] = {};

  fs.readdirSync(localePath).filter(function (fileName) {

    return fs.statSync(path.join(localePath, fileName)).isFile() && path.extname(fileName) === '.json';

  }).forEach(function (fileName) {

    var filePath = path.join(localePath, fileName);

    locales[namespace][path.basename(fileName, '.json')] = require(filePath);




function mergeLocales (namespace) {

  for (var langExt in locales[namespace]) {

    if( locales[namespace].hasOwnProperty( langExt ) ) {

      var ix = langExt.indexOf('.');

      if (ix > 0) {

        // It is an extension.

        var langBase = langExt.substr(0, ix);

        var objExt = locales[namespace][langExt];

        var objBase = locales[namespace][langBase];

        if (!objBase)

          objBase = { };

        // Copy items to base language.

        for (var key in objExt) {

          if( objExt.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {

            if (objBase[key])

              console.log('Duplicated locale: ' + namespace + '["' + langExt + '"].' + key +

                  ' => ' + namespace + '.' + langBase + '.' + key);


              objBase[key] = objExt[key];



        // Remove extension.

        delete locales[namespace][langExt];





// Read business-objects locales.

var bolDirectories = ['node_modules/business-objects/locales', 'source/locales', 'locales'];

for (var i = 0; i < bolDirectories.length; i++) {

  var bolDirectory = bolDirectories[i];

  if (fs.existsSync(path.join(process.cwd(), bolDirectory))) {

    readLocales(NS_BO, path.join(process.cwd(), bolDirectory));





//region Custom error


 * @classdesc Represents an internationalization error.

 * @description Creates an internationalization error object.


 * @memberof bo

 * @constructor

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.


 * @extends {Error}

 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error Error} for further information.


function I18nError() {


  var i18nLocales = new i18n('$bo', 'I18nError');


   * The name of the error type.

   * @type {string}

   * @default I18nError


  this.name = this.constructor.name;


   * Human-readable description of the error.

   * @type {string}


  this.message = i18nLocales.get.apply(i18nLocales, arguments.length ? arguments : ['default']);


util.inherits(I18nError, Error);


//region Define message handler


 * @classdesc Provide methods to get localized messages.

 * @description Creates a new message localizer object.


 * @memberof bo

 * @constructor

 * @param {string} [namespace=$default] - The namespace of the messages.

 * @param {string} [keyRoot] - The key root of the messages.


 * @throws {@link bo.I18nError i18n error}: The namespace must be a string value or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.I18nError i18n error}: The key root must be a string value or null.


var i18n = function (namespace, keyRoot) {

  namespace = Utility.isOptionalString(namespace, 'namespace', I18nError);

  keyRoot = Utility.isOptionalString(keyRoot, 'keyRoot', I18nError);

  this.namespace = namespace || NS_ROOT;

  this.keyRoot = keyRoot || '';

  if (this.keyRoot && this.keyRoot.substr(-1) !== '.')

    this.keyRoot += '.';

  // Immutable object.




 * Reads the localized messages of the project.


 * @function bo.i18n.initialize

 * @param {string} pathOfLocales - The relative path of the directory that contains the project messages.

 * @param {external.getLocale} [getLocale] - A function that returns the current locale.


 * @throws {@link bo.I18nError i18n error}: The path of locales must be a non-empty string.

 * @throws {@link bo.I18nError i18n error}: The path of locales is not a valid directory path.

 * @throws {@link bo.I18nError i18n error}: The locale getter must be a function.


i18n.initialize = function (pathOfLocales, getLocale) {

  if (isInitialized)

    throw new I18nError('ready');


      Utility.getDirectory(pathOfLocales, 'pathOfLocales', I18nError)


  if (getLocale) {

    if (typeof getLocale === 'function')

      getCurrentLocale = getLocale;


      throw new I18nError('function', 'getLocale');


  isInitialized = true;


/* locale*namespace:key1.key2.key3 */


 * Gets a localized message of a given identifier.

 * The message identifier has the pattern: [locale*][namespace:]key1[[.key2]...]

 * Examples:

 * <dl>

 *   <dt>australia</dt>

 *   <dd>Simple key with default namespace and current locale.</dd>

 *   <dt>europe.spain.andalusia</dt>

 *   <dd>Extended key with default namespace and current locale.</dd>

 *   <dt>geography:australia</dt>

 *   <dd>Simple key with specified namespace and current locale.</dd>

 *   <dt>geography:europe.spain.andalusia</dt>

 *   <dd>Extended key with specified namespace and current locale.</dd>

 *   <dt>hu\*australia</dt>

 *   <dd>Simple key with default namespace and specified language.</dd>

 *   <dt>hu-HU\*europe.spain.andalusia</dt>

 *   <dd>Extended key with default namespace and specified language with region.</dd>

 *   <dt>hu\*geography:australia</dt>

 *   <dd>Simple key with specified namespace and specified language.</dd>

 *   <dt>hu-HU\*geography:europe.spain.andalusia</dt>

 *   <dd>Extended key with specified namespace and specified language with region.</dd>

 * </dl>

 * If localizer is created with a namespace and the message identifier omits the namespace,

 * then the localizer namespace will applied. Examples for initial namespace <i>economy</i>:

 * <dl>

 *   <dt>australia</dt>

 *   <dd>It is interpreted as <i>economy:australia</i></dd>

 *   <dt>hu-HU\*europe.spain.andalusia</dt>

 *   <dd>It is interpreted as <i>hu-HU\*economy:europe.spain.andalusia</i></dd>

 *   <dt>geography:australia</dt>

 *   <dd>It remains <i>geography:australia</i></dd>

 *   <dt>hu-HU\*geography:europe.spain.andalusia</dt>

 *   <dd>It remains <i>hu-HU\*geography:europe.spain.andalusia</i></dd>

 * </dl>

 * If localizer is created with a key root and the message identifier omits the namespace,

 * then the key root is inserted before the key part of the specified identifier.

 * Examples for initial key root <i>earth</i>:

 * <dl>

 *   <dt>australia</dt>

 *   <dd>It is interpreted as <i>earth.australia</i></dd>

 *   <dt>hu-HU\*europe.spain.andalusia</dt>

 *   <dd>It is interpreted as <i>hu-HU\*earth.europe.spain.andalusia</i></dd>

 *   <dt>geography:australia</dt>

 *   <dd>It remains <i>geography:australia</i></dd>

 *   <dt>hu-HU\*geography:europe.spain.andalusia</dt>

 *   <dd>It remains <i>hu-HU\*geography:europe.spain.andalusia</i></dd>

 * </dl>


 * @function bo.i18n#get

 * @param {string} messageId - The identifier of the required message.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {string} The localized message for the current locale, if not found

 *      then the message for the default locale, otherwise the message key.


 * @throws {@link bo.I18nError i18n error}: The message key must be a non-empty string.


i18n.prototype.get = function (messageId, messageParams) {

  var locale, namespace, messageKey;

  var asterisk = messageId.indexOf('*');

  var colon = messageId.indexOf(':');

  // Determine locale.

  if (asterisk > -1)

    locale = messageId.substr(0, asterisk);


  locale = locale || getCurrentLocale() || NEUTRAL;

  // Determine namespace.

  if (colon > -1)

    namespace = messageId.substring(asterisk, colon);


  namespace = namespace || this.namespace;

  // Determine message key.

  messageKey = messageId.substr(Math.max(asterisk, colon));

  if (!colon)

    messageKey = this.keyRoot + messageKey;

  var keys = messageKey.split('.').filter(function (key) {

    return key.trim().length > 0;


  if (!keys.length)

    throw new I18nError('messageId');

  // If message is not found then the identifier is returned.

  var message = messageId;

  var found = false;

  var messageArgs = arguments;

  // Replace message parameters with passed arguments.

  function replacer(match) {

    var index = new Number(match.substr(1, match.length - 2)) + 1;

    var replacement = '';

    if (index < messageArgs.length) {

      var arg = messageArgs[index];

      if (arg !== undefined && arg !== null)

        replacement = typeof arg === 'function' ?

            (arg.name ? arg.name : '<< unknown >>') :



    return replacement;


  // Find the message in the tree.

  function readMessage(messages) {

    var base = messages;

    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {

      if (!base[keys[i]])

        return false;

      if (i + 1 === keys.length) {

        message = base[keys[i]];

        return true;

      } else

        base = base[keys[i]];



  // Use the required message set.

  var ns = locales[namespace];

  // When namespace is valid...

  if (ns) {

    // Get message of specific locale.

    if (ns[locale])

      found = readMessage(ns[locale]);

    // Get message of general locale.

    if (!found) {

      var general = locale.substr(0, locale.lastIndexOf('-'));

      if (general && ns[general])

        found = readMessage(ns[general]);


    // Get message of default locale.

    if (!found && locale !== NEUTRAL && ns[NEUTRAL])

      found = readMessage(ns[NEUTRAL]);


  // Format message with optional arguments.

  if (found && messageArgs.length > 1) {

    message = message.replace(/{\d+}/g, replacer);


  return message;



module.exports = i18n;