'use strict';

var CLASS_NAME = 'BrokenRule';

var Argument = require('../system/argument-check.js');

var RuleSeverity = require('./rule-severity.js');


 * @classdesc Represents the public turnout of a failed rule.

 * @description Creates a new broken rule instance.


 * @memberof bo.rules

 * @constructor

 * @param {string} ruleName - The name of the failed rule.

 * @param {boolean} isPreserved - Indicates whether the broken rule of this failure

 *      is preserved when a new verification starts.

 * @param {string} [propertyName] - The name of the property the rule belongs to.

 * @param {string} message - Human-readable description of the reason of the failure.

 * @param {bo.rules.RuleSeverity} severity - The severity of the rule failure.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The rule name must be a non-empty string.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The preservation flag must be a Boolean value.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The property name must be a string.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The message must be a non-empty string.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The severity must be a RuleSeverity item.


function BrokenRule (ruleName, isPreserved, propertyName, message, severity) {

  var check = Argument.inConstructor(CLASS_NAME);


   * The name of the failed rule.

   * @type {string}


  this.ruleName = check(ruleName).forMandatory('ruleName').asString();


   * Indicates whether the broken rule is preserved when a new verification starts.

   * @type {boolean}


  this.isPreserved = check(isPreserved || false).forMandatory('isPreserved').asBoolean();


   * The name of the property the failed rule belongs to.

   * @type {string}


  this.propertyName = check(propertyName || '').for('propertyName').asString();


   * Human-readable description of the reason of the failure.

   * @type {string}


  this.message = check(message).forMandatory('message').asString();


   * The severity of the rule failure.

   * @type {bo.rules.RuleSeverity}


  this.severity = check(severity).for('severity').asEnumMember(RuleSeverity, RuleSeverity.error);


module.exports = BrokenRule;