'use strict';

var CLASS_NAME = 'DataStore';

var Argument = require('../system/argument-check.js');

var PropertyInfo = require('./property-info.js');

var CollectionBase = require('../collection-base.js');

var ModelBase = require('../model-base.js');


 * @classdesc Provides methods to manage the values of business object model's properties.

 * @description Creates a new data store object.


 * @memberof bo.shared

 * @constructor


function DataStore () {

  var data = {};

  var status = {};


   * Initializes the value of a property in the store.


   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} property - The definition of the model property.

   * @param {*} value - The default value of the property (null or a child model).


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The property must be a PropertyInfo object.

   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The value must be null, a model or a collection.


  this.initValue = function (property, value) {

    var check = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'initValue');

    property = check(property).forMandatory('property').asType(PropertyInfo);

    value = check(value).forOptional('value').asType([ CollectionBase, ModelBase ]);

    data[property.name] = value;

    status[property.name] = true;



   * Gets the value of a model property.


   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} property - The definition of the model property.

   * @returns {*} The current value of the property.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The property must be a PropertyInfo object.


  this.getValue = function (property) {

    property = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'getValue')


    return data[property.name];



   * Sets the value of a model property.


   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} property - The definition of the model property.

   * @param {*} value - The new value of the property.

   * @returns {boolean} True if the value of the property has been changed, otherwise false.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The property must be a PropertyInfo object.

   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The value must be defined.


  this.setValue = function (property, value) {

    var check = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'setValue');

    property = check(property).forMandatory('property').asType(PropertyInfo);

    value = check(value).for('value').asDefined();

    // Check value.

    var parsed = property.type.parse(value);

    if (parsed === undefined) {

      // Invalid value.

      status[property.name] = false;

      return false;

    } else {

      // Valid value.

      if (parsed !== data[property.name]) {

        // Value has changed.

        data[property.name] = parsed;

        status[property.name] = true;

        return true;

      } else {

        // Value is unchanged.

        status[property.name] = true;

        return false;





   * Indicates whether a property has a valid value.


   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} property - The definition of the model property.

   * @returns {boolean} True if the property has a valid value, otherwise false.


  this.hasValidValue = function (property) {

    property = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'hasValidValue')


    return status[property.name];


  // Immutable object.



module.exports = DataStore;