'use strict';

var CLASS_NAME = 'PropertyManager';

var Argument = require('../system/argument-check.js');

var MethodError = require('../system/method-error.js');

var PropertyInfo = require('./property-info.js');

var DataType = require('../data-types/data-type.js');

var ModelError = require('./model-error.js');


 * @classdesc Provides methods to manage the properties of a business object model.

 * @description Creates a new property manager object.


 * @memberof bo.shared

 * @constructor

 * @param {string} name - The name of the business object model.

 * @param {...bo.shared.PropertyInfo} [property] - Description of a model property.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The name must be a non-empty string.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The property must be PropertyInfo object.


function PropertyManager (name /*, property1, property2 [, ...] */) {

  var items = [];

  var changed = false;  // for children

  var children = [];

  var isFrozen = false;

  var check = Argument.inConstructor(CLASS_NAME);


   * The name of the business object model.

   * @type {string}

   * @readonly


  this.name = check(name).forMandatory('name').asString();

   Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)

      .forEach(function (arg) {

        items.push(check(arg).forMandatory().asType(PropertyInfo, 'properties'));

        changed = true;


  //region Item management


   * Adds a new property to the business object model.


   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} property - Description of the model property to add.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The property must be PropertyInfo object.

   * @throws {@link bo.shared.ModelError Model error}: Cannot change the definition after creation.


  this.add = function (property) {

    if (isFrozen)

      throw new ModelError('frozen', this.name);

    items.push(Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'add')


    changed = true;



   * Creates a new property for the business object model.

   *    </br></br>

   * The data type can be any one from the {@link bo.dataTypes} namespace

   * or a custom data type based on {@link bo.dataTypes.DataType DataType} object,

   * or can be any business object model or collection defined by the

   * model types available in the {@link bo} namespace (i.e. models based on

   * {@link bo.ModelBase ModelBase} or {@link bo.CollectionBase CollectionBase}

   * objects).

   *    </br></br>

   * The flags parameter is ignored when data type is a model or collection.


   * @param {string} name - The name of the property.

   * @param {*} type - The data type of the property.

   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyFlag} [flags] - Other attributes of the property.

   * @returns {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} The definition of the property.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The name must be a non-empty string.

   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The type must be a data type, a model or a collection.

   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The flags must be PropertyFlag items.

   * @throws {@link bo.shared.ModelError Model error}: Cannot change the definition after creation.


  this.create = function (name, type, flags) {

    if (isFrozen)

      throw new ModelError('frozen', this.name);

    var property = new PropertyInfo(name, type, flags);


    changed = true;

    return property;



   * Determines whether a property belongs to the business object model.


   * @param {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} property - Property definition to be checked.

   * @returns {boolean} True if the model contains the property, otherwise false.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The property must be PropertyInfo object.


  this.contains = function (property) {

    property = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'contains')


    return items.some(function (item) {

      return item.name === property.name;




   * Gets the property with the given name.


   * @param {string} name - The name of the property.

   * @param {string} [message] - The error message in case of not finding the property.

   * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

   * @returns {bo.shared.PropertyInfo} The requested property definition.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The name must be a non-empty string.

   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The business object has no property

   *    with the given name.


  this.getByName = function (name, message) {

    name = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'getByName')


    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

      if (items[i].name === name)

        return items[i];


    throw new MethodError(message || 'noProperty', CLASS_NAME, 'getByName', 'name', this.name, name);



   * Gets the property definitions of the business object model as an array.


   * @returns {Array.<bo.shared.PropertyInfo>} The array of model properties.


  this.toArray = function () {

    var array = items.filter(function (item) {

      return item.type instanceof DataType;


    array.name = this.name;

    return array;



  //region Public array methods


   * Executes the provided function once per property definition.


   * @param {external.cbCollectionItem} callback - Function that produces an element

   *    of the model properties, taking three arguments: property, index, array.


  this.forEach = function (callback) {




   * Creates a new array with all properties that pass the test implemented by the provided function.


   * @param {external.cbCollectionItem} callback - Function to test each element of the properties,

   *    taking three arguments: property, index, array.

   *    Return true to keep the property definition, false otherwise.

   * @returns {Array.<bo.shared.PropertyInfo>} A new array with all properties that passed the test.


  this.filter = function (callback) {

    return items.filter(callback);



   * Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function

   * on every element of the model properties.


   * @param {external.cbCollectionItem} callback - Function that produces an element of the new array,

   *    taking three arguments: property, index, array.

   * @returns {Array} A new array with items produced by the function.


  this.map = function (callback) {

    return items.map(callback);



  //region Children

  function checkChildren () {

    if (changed) {

      children = items.filter(function (item) {

        return !(item.type instanceof DataType);


      changed = false;




   * Gets the child models and collections of the current model.


   * @returns {Array.<bo.shared.PropertyInfo>} - The array of the child properties.


  this.children = function () {


    return children;



   * Gets the count of the child models and collections of the current model.


   * @returns {Number} The count of the child properties.


  this.childCount = function () {


    return children.length;



   * Verifies the model types of child models and freezes properties of the model.


   * @param {Array.<string>} allowedTypes - The names of the model types of the allowed child models.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The allowed types must be

   *      an array of string values or a single string value.

   * @throws {@link bo.shared.ModelError Model error}: The type of a model property

   *      should be an allowed type.


  this.verifyChildTypes = function (allowedTypes) {

    allowedTypes = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'verifyChildTypes')



    var child;

    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {

      var matches = false;

      child = children[i];

      for (var j = 0; j < allowedTypes.length; j++) {

        if (child.type.modelType == allowedTypes[j]) {

          matches = true;




      if (!matches)

        throw new ModelError('invalidChild',

            this.name, child.name, child.type.modelType, allowedTypes.join(' | '));


    isFrozen = true;



  //region Keys


   * Gets the key of the current model.

   *    </br></br>

   * If the model has no key properties, the method returns the data transfer object,

   * If the model has one key property, then it returns the current value of the that property.

   * If the model has more key properties, an object will be returned whose properties will hold

   * the current values of the key properties.


   * @protected

   * @param {internal~getValue} getPropertyValue - A function that returns

   *    the current value of the given property.

   * @returns {*} The key value of the model.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The getPropertyValue argument must be a function.


  this.getKey = function (getPropertyValue) {

    getPropertyValue = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'getKey')


    // No properties - no keys.

    if (!items.length)

      return undefined;

    var key;

    // Get key properties.

    var keys = items.filter(function (item) {

      return item.isKey;


    // Evaluate result.

    switch (keys.length) {

      case 0:

        // No keys: dto will be used.

        key = {};

        items.forEach(function (item) {

          if (item.isOnDto)

            key[item.name] = getPropertyValue(item);



      case 1:

        // One key: key value will be used.

        key = getPropertyValue(keys[0]);



        // More keys: key object will be used.

        key = {};

        keys.forEach(function (item) {

          key[item.name] = getPropertyValue(item);



    return key;



   * Determines that the passed data contains current values of the model key.


   * @protected

   * @param {object} data - Data object whose properties can contain the values of the model key.

   * @param {internal~getValue} getPropertyValue - A function that returns

   *    the current value of the given property.

   * @returns {boolean} True when the values are equal, false otherwise.


   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The data argument must be an object.

   * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The getPropertyValue argument must be a function.


  this.keyEquals = function (data, getPropertyValue) {

    var check = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, 'keyEquals');

    data = check(data).forMandatory('data').asObject();

    getPropertyValue = check(getPropertyValue).forMandatory('getPropertyValue').asFunction();

    // Get key properties.

    var keys = items.filter(function (item) {

      return item.isKey;


    // Get key values.

    var values = {};

    if (keys.length) {

      keys.forEach(function (item) {

        values[item.name] = getPropertyValue(item);


    } else {

      items.forEach(function (item) {

        if (item.isOnCto)

          values[item.name] = getPropertyValue(item);



    // Compare key values to data.

    for (var propertyName in values) {

      if (values.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {

        if (data[propertyName] === undefined || data[propertyName] !== values[propertyName])

          return false;



    return true;



  // Immutable object.



module.exports = PropertyManager;