


 * var Argument = require('./argument-check.js');


 * var check;

 * var value = ...;

 * var msg = 'Wrong argument!';


 * // Single usage:

 * value = Argument.check(value).for(VALUE_NAME).asString(msg);

 * value = Argument.inConstructor(CLASS_NAME).check(value).for(VALUE_NAME).asString(msg);

 * value = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, METHOD_NAME).check(value).for(VALUE_NAME).asString(msg);

 * value = Argument.inProperty(CLASS_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME).check(value).for(VALUE_NAME).asString(msg);


 * // Multiple usage:

 * check = Argument();                                      // generic arguments

 * check = Argument.inConstructor(CLASS_NAME);              // constructor arguments

 * check = Argument.inMethod(CLASS_NAME, METHOD_NAME);      // method arguments

 * check = Argument.inProperty(CLASS_NAME, PROPERTY_NAME);  // property arguments


 * value = check(value).for(VALUE_NAME).asString(msg);           // any or special argument

 * value = check(value).forOptional(VALUE_NAME).asString(msg);   // optional argument

 * value = check(value).forMandatory(VALUE_NAME).asString(msg);  // mandatory argument


 * value = check(value).forOptional(VALUE_NAME).asType([ CollectionBase, ModelBase ], msg); // additional attribute

 * value = check(value).forMandatory(VALUE_NAME).asType(UserInfo, msg); // additional attribute


 * value = check(value).for(VALUE_NAME).asEnumMember(Action, Action.Save, msg);  // two additional attributes


var ArgumentError = require('./argument-error.js');

var ConstructorError = require('./constructor-error.js');

var MethodError = require('./method-error.js');

var PropertyError = require('./property-error.js');

//region Argument group

var ArgumentGroup = {

  General: 0,

  Constructor: 1,

  Method: 2,

  Property: 3



//region Argument check


 * Creates an argument check instance for the given value.


 * @memberof bo.system

 * @constructor

 * @param {*} [value] - The value to check.

 * @returns {bo.system.ArgumentCheck} The argument check instance.


function ArgumentCheck (value) {

  this.value = value;

  return this;



//region Argument check builder

//region For


 * Sets the name of the argument.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.for

 * @param {string} [argumentName] - The name of the argument.

 * @returns {bo.system.ArgumentCheck} The argument check instance.


function forGeneric  (argumentName) {

  this.argumentName = argumentName || '';

  this.isMandatory = undefined;

  return this;



 * Sets the name of the optional argument.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.forOptional

 * @param {string} [argumentName] - The name of the optional argument.

 * @returns {bo.system.ArgumentCheck} The argument check instance.


function forOptional (argumentName) {

  this.argumentName = argumentName || '';

  this.isMandatory = false;

  return this;



 * Sets the name of the mandatory argument.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.forMandatory

 * @param {string} [argumentName] - The name of the mandatory argument.

 * @returns {bo.system.ArgumentCheck} The argument check instance.


function forMandatory (argumentName) {

  this.argumentName = argumentName || '';

  this.isMandatory = true;

  return this;



//region Exception

function exception (defaultMessage, typeArgument, userArguments) {

  var error, type;

  var message = defaultMessage;

  var parameters = [];

  if (userArguments && userArguments.length) {

    parameters = Array.prototype.slice.call(userArguments);

    message = parameters.shift() || defaultMessage;


  var args = [null, message || 'default'];

  switch (this.argumentGroup) {

    case ArgumentGroup.Property:

      type = PropertyError;

      args.push(this.className || '<class>', this.propertyName || '<property>');


    case ArgumentGroup.Method:

      type = MethodError;

      args.push(this.className || '<class>', this.methodName || '<method>');


    case ArgumentGroup.Constructor:

      type = ConstructorError;

      args.push(this.className || '<class>');


    case ArgumentGroup.General:


      type = ArgumentError;




  if (typeArgument)


  if (parameters.length)

    parameters.forEach(function (parameter) {



  error = type.bind.apply(type, args);

  throw new error();



//region General


 * for: Checks if value is not undefined.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asDefined

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {*} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be supplied.


function asDefined () {

  if (this.value === undefined)

    this.exception('defined', null, arguments);

  return this.value;



 * for: Checks if value is not undefined and is not null.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.hasValue

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {*} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument is required.


function hasValue () {

  if (this.value === null || this.value === undefined)

    this.exception('required', null, arguments);

  return this.value;



//region String


 * for: Checks if value is a string.<br/>

 * forOptional: Checks if value is a string or null.<br/>

 * forMandatory: Checks if value is a non-empty string.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asString

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {(string|null)} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a string value.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a string value or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a non-empty string.


function asString () {

  switch (this.isMandatory) {

    case true:

      if (typeof this.value !== 'string' && !(this.value instanceof String) || this.value.trim().length === 0)

        this.exception('manString', null, arguments);


    case false:

      if (this.value === undefined)

        this.value = null;

      if (this.value !== null && typeof this.value !== 'string' && !(this.value instanceof String))

        this.exception('optString', null, arguments);



      if (typeof this.value !== 'string' && !(this.value instanceof String))

        this.exception('string', null, arguments);



  return this.value;



//region Number


 * forOptional: Checks if value is a number or null.<br/>

 * forMandatory: Checks if value is a number.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asNumber

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {(number|null)} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a number value or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a number value.


function asNumber () {

  if (this.isMandatory) {

    if (typeof this.value !== 'number' && !(this.value instanceof Number))

      this.exception('manNumber', null, arguments);

  } else {

    if (this.value === undefined)

      this.value = null;

    if (this.value !== null && typeof this.value !== 'number' && !(this.value instanceof Number))

      this.exception('optNumber', null, arguments);


  return this.value;



//region Integer


 * forOptional: Checks if value is an integer or null.<br/>

 * forMandatory: Checks if value is an integer.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asInteger

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {(number|null)} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be an integer value or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be an integer value.


function asInteger () {

  if (this.isMandatory) {

    if (typeof this.value !== 'number' && !(this.value instanceof Number) || this.value % 1 !== 0)

      this.exception('manInteger', null, arguments);

  } else {

    if (this.value === undefined)

      this.value = null;

    if (this.value !== null && (typeof this.value !== 'number' &&

        !(this.value instanceof Number) || this.value % 1 !== 0))

      this.exception('optInteger', null, arguments);


  return this.value;



//region Boolean


 * forOptional: Checks if value is a Boolean or null.<br/>

 * forMandatory: Checks if value is a Boolean.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asBoolean

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {(boolean|null)} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a Boolean value or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a Boolean value.


function asBoolean () {

  if (this.isMandatory) {

    if (typeof this.value !== 'boolean' && !(this.value instanceof Boolean))

      this.exception('manBoolean', null, arguments);

  } else {

    if (this.value === undefined)

      this.value = null;

    if (this.value !== null && typeof this.value !== 'boolean' && !(this.value instanceof Boolean))

      this.exception('optBoolean', null, arguments);


  return this.value;



//region Object


 * forOptional: Checks if value is an object or null.<br/>

 * forMandatory: Checks if value is an object.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asObject

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {(object|null)} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be an object or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be an object.


function asObject () {

  if (this.isMandatory) {

    if (typeof this.value !== 'object' || this.value === null)

      this.exception('manObject', null, arguments);

  } else {

    if (this.value === undefined)

      this.value = null;

    if (typeof this.value !== 'object')

      this.exception('optObject', null, arguments);


  return this.value;



//region Function


 * forOptional: Checks if value is a function or null.<br/>

 * forMandatory: Checks if value is a function.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asFunction

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {(function|null)} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a function or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a function.


function asFunction () {

  if (this.isMandatory) {

    if (typeof this.value !== 'function')

      this.exception('manFunction', null, arguments);

  } else {

    if (this.value === undefined)

      this.value = null;

    if (this.value !== null && typeof this.value !== 'function')

      this.exception('optFunction', null, arguments);


  return this.value;



//region Type

function typeNames (types) {

  var list = '<< no types >>';

  if (types.length) {

    list = types.map(function (type) {

      return type.name ? type.name : '-unknown-'

    }).join(' | ');


  return list;



 * forOptional: Checks if value is a given type or null.<br/>

 * forMandatory: Checks if value is a given type.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asType

 * @param {(constructor|Array.<constructor>)} type - The type that value must inherit.

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {(object|null)} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a TYPE object or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a TYPE object.


function asType () {

  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

  var type = args.shift();

  var types = type instanceof Array ? type : [ type ];

  var self = this;

  if (this.isMandatory) {

    if (!(types.some(function (option) {

          return self.value && (self.value instanceof option || self.value.super_ === option);


      this.exception('manType', typeNames(types), args);

  } else {

    if (this.value === undefined)

      this.value = null;

    if (this.value !== null && !(types.some(function (option) {

          return self.value && (self.value instanceof option || self.value.super_ === option);


      this.exception('optType', typeNames(types), args);


  return this.value;



//region Model


 * for: Checks if value is an instance of a given model type.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asModelType

 * @param {(constructor|Array.<constructor>)} model - The model type that value must be an instance of.

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {object} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be a model type.


function asModelType () {

  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

  var model = args.shift();

  var models = model instanceof Array ? model : [ model ];

  var self = this;

  if (!(models.some(function (modelType) {

        return self.value && self.value.constructor && self.value.constructor.modelType === modelType;


    this.exception('modelType', models.join(' | '), args);

  return this.value;



//region Enumeration


 * for: Checks if value is member of a given enumeration.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asEnumMember

 * @param {constructor} type - The type of the enumeration.

 * @param {number} [defaultValue] - The type of the enumeration.

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {number} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: Type is not an enumeration type.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}: The argument must be an enumeration type item.


function asEnumMember () {

  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

  var type = args.shift();

  var defaultValue = args.shift();

  if (!(type && type.hasMember && type.constructor &&

      type.constructor.super_ && type.constructor.super_.name === 'Enumeration'))

    this.exception('enumType', type, args);

  if ((this.value === null || this.value === undefined) && typeof defaultValue === 'number')

    this.value = defaultValue;

  if (!type.hasMember(this.value))

    this.exception('enumMember', type.$name, args);

  return this.value;



//region Array


 * forOptional: Checks if value is an array of a given type or null.<br/>

 * forMandatory: Checks if value is an array of a given type.


 * @function bo.system.ArgumentCheck.asArray

 * @param {*} type - The type of the array items - a primitive type or a constructor.

 * @param {string} [message] - Human-readable description of the error.

 * @param {...*} [messageParams] - Optional interpolation parameters of the message.

 * @returns {(Array.<type>|null)} The checked value.


 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

 *      The argument must be an array of TYPE values, or a single TYPE value or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

 *      The argument must be an array of TYPE objects, or a single TYPE object or null.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

 *      The argument must be an array of TYPE values, or a single TYPE value.

 * @throws {@link bo.system.ArgumentError Argument error}:

 *      The argument must be an array of TYPE objects, or a single TYPE object.


function asArray () {

  if (!this.isMandatory) {

    if (this.value === undefined || this.value === null)

      return [];


  var msgKey;

  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

  var type = args.shift();

  if (type === String || type === Number || type === Boolean) {

    msgKey = this.isMandatory ? 'manArrayPrim' : 'optArrayPrim';

    var typeName = type.name.toLowerCase();

    if (typeof this.value === typeName || this.value instanceof type)

      return [this.value];

    if (this.value instanceof Array && (!this.value.length || this.value.every(function (item) {

          return typeof item === typeName || item instanceof type;


      return this.value;

  } else {

    msgKey = this.isMandatory ? 'manArray' : 'optArray';

    if (this.value instanceof type)

      return [this.value];

    if (this.value instanceof Array && (!this.value.length || this.value.every(function (item) {

          return item instanceof type;


      return this.value;


  this.exception(msgKey, type, args);



function ArgumentCheckBuilder (argumentGroup, className, methodName, propertyName) {

  var builderBase = {

    argumentGroup: argumentGroup || ArgumentGroup.General,

    className: className || '',

    methodName: methodName || '',

    propertyName: propertyName || '',

    argumentName: '',

    isMandatory: undefined,

    for: forGeneric,

    forOptional: forOptional,

    forMandatory: forMandatory,

    exception: exception,

    asDefined: asDefined,

    hasValue: hasValue,

    asString: asString,

    asNumber: asNumber,

    asInteger: asInteger,

    asBoolean: asBoolean,

    asObject: asObject,

    asFunction: asFunction,

    asType: asType,

    asModelType: asModelType,

    asEnumMember: asEnumMember,

    asArray: asArray


  var fnCheck = ArgumentCheck.bind(builderBase);

  fnCheck.check = function (value) {

    return this(value);


  return fnCheck;



//region Argument check factory


 * Creates a general argument check object.

 * @function bo.system.Argument


function ArgumentCheckFactory() {

  return ArgumentCheckBuilder(ArgumentGroup.General, '', '', '');



 * Creates a general argument check object.

 * @function bo.system.Argument.check

 * @param {*} value - The value to check.

 * @returns {bo.system.ArgumentCheck} - Argument check object.


ArgumentCheckFactory.check = function(value) {

  return ArgumentCheckBuilder(ArgumentGroup.General, '', '', '')(value);



 * Creates a constructor argument check object.

 * @function bo.system.Argument.inConstructor

 * @param {string} className - The name of the class of the constructor.

 * @returns {bo.system.ArgumentCheck} - Argument check object.


ArgumentCheckFactory.inConstructor = function (className) {

  return ArgumentCheckBuilder(ArgumentGroup.Constructor, className, '', '');



 * Creates a method argument check object.

 * @function bo.system.Argument.inMethod

 * @param {string} className - The name of the class of the method.

 * @param {string} methodName - The name of the method.

 * @returns {bo.system.ArgumentCheck} - Argument check object.


ArgumentCheckFactory.inMethod = function (className, methodName) {

  return ArgumentCheckBuilder(ArgumentGroup.Method, className, methodName, '');



 * Creates a property argument check object.

 * @function bo.system.Argument.inProperty

 * @param {string} className - The name of the class of the property.

 * @param {string} propertyName - The name of the property.

 * @param propertyName

 * @returns {bo.system.ArgumentCheck} - Argument check object.


ArgumentCheckFactory.inProperty = function (className, propertyName) {

  return ArgumentCheckBuilder(ArgumentGroup.Property, className, '', propertyName);



module.exports = ArgumentCheckFactory;