Source: editable-child-model-sync.
Represents the definition of a synchronous editable child model.
new EditableChildModelSync(parent[, eventHandlers])
Creates a new synchronous editable child model instance.
The name of the model type available as: <instance>.constructor.modelType, returns 'EditableChildModelSync'.
Valid parent model types are:
* EditableChildCollectionSync
* EditableRootModelSync
* EditableChildModelSync
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
parent |
object |
The parent business object. |
eventHandlers |
Yes |
The event handlers of the instance. |
- Extends
- ModelBase
- Fires
- EditableChildModelSync#event:preCreate
- EditableChildModelSync#event:postCreate
- EditableChildModelSync#event:preFetch
- EditableChildModelSync#event:postFetch
- EditableChildModelSync#event:preInsert
- EditableChildModelSync#event:postInsert
- EditableChildModelSync#event:preUpdate
- EditableChildModelSync#event:postUpdate
- EditableChildModelSync#event:preRemove
- EditableChildModelSync#event:postRemove
- Throws
Argument error: The parent object must be an EditableChildCollectionSync, EditableRootModelSync or EditableChildModelSync instance.
Argument error: The event handlers must be an EventHandlerList object or null.
The name of the model. However, it can be hidden by a model property with the same name.
protected staticcreate(parent[, eventHandlers]) → EditableChildModelSync
Creates a new editable business object instance.
This method is called by the parent object.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
parent |
object |
The parent business object. |
eventHandlers |
Yes |
The event handlers of the instance. |
- Throws
Authorization error: The user has no permission to execute the action.
Data portal error: Creating the business object has failed.
- Returns
A new editable business object.
protected staticload(parent, data[, eventHandlers]) → EditableChildModelSync
Initializes an editable business object width data retrieved from the repository.
This method is called by the parent object.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
parent |
object |
The parent business object. |
data |
object |
The data to load into the business object. |
eventHandlers |
Yes |
The event handlers of the instance. |
- Throws
Authorization error: The user has no permission to execute the action.
- Returns
The required editable business object.
Executes all the validation rules of the business object, including the ones of its child objects.
This method is called by the parent object.
Notes that a child object has changed.
This method is called by child objects.
Initializes a newly created business object.
This method is called by the parent object.
protectedfetch([data][, method])
Initializes a business object with data retrieved from the repository.
This method is called by the parent object.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
data |
object |
Yes |
The data to load into the business object. |
method |
string |
Yes |
An alternative fetch method to check for permission. |
Rebuilds the business object from a plain object sent by the client.
This method is usually called by the parent object.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
cto |
object |
The client transfer object. |
protectedgetBrokenRules([namespace]) → bo.rules.BrokenRulesOutput
Gets the broken rules of the business object.
This method is called by the parent object.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
namespace |
string |
Yes |
The namespace of the message keys when messages are localizable. |
- Returns
The broken rules of the business object.
getModelState() → string
Gets the state of the model. Valid states are: pristine, created, changed, markedForRemoval and removed.
- Returns
The state of the model.
isDeleted() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object will be deleted from the repository, i.e. its state is markedForRemoval.
- Returns
True when the business object will be deleted, otherwise false.
isDirty() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object itself or any of its child objects differs the one that is stored in the repository, i.e. its state is created, changed or markedForRemoval.
- Returns
True when the business object has been changed, otherwise false.
isNew() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object has been created newly and not has been yet saved, i.e. its state is created.
- Returns
True when the business object is new, otherwise false.
isSelfDirty() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object itself, ignoring its child objects, differs the one that is stored in the repository.
- Returns
True when the business object itself has been changed, otherwise false.
protectedisValid() → boolean
Indicates whether all the validation rules of the business object, including the ones of its child objects, succeeds. A valid business object may have broken rules with severity of success, information and warning.
This method is called by the parent object.
- Returns
True when the business object is valid, otherwise false.
protectedkeyEquals(data, getPropertyValue) → boolean
Determines that the passed data contains current values of the model key.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
data |
object |
Data object whose properties can contain the values of the model key. |
getPropertyValue |
A function that returns the current value of the given property. |
- Returns
True when the values are equal, false otherwise.
Marks the business object to be deleted from the repository on next save.
protectedsave(connection) → EditableChildModelSync
Saves the changes of the business object to the repository.
This method is called by the parent object.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
connection |
object |
The connection data. |
- Returns
The business object with the new state after the save.
toCto() → object
Transforms the business object to a plain object to send to the client.
This method is usually called by the parent object.
- Returns
The client transfer object.
The event arises after the business object instance has been initialized in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been retrieved from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been created in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been removed from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been updated in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be initialized in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be retrieved from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be created in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be removed from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be updated in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |