Source: editable-root-model-sync.
Represents the definition of a synchronous editable root model.
new EditableRootModelSync([eventHandlers])
Creates a new synchronous editable root model instance.
The name of the model type available as: <instance>.constructor.modelType, returns 'EditableRootModelSync'.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventHandlers |
Yes |
The event handlers of the instance. |
- Extends
- ModelBase
- Fires
- EditableRootModelSync#event:preCreate
- EditableRootModelSync#event:postCreate
- EditableRootModelSync#event:preFetch
- EditableRootModelSync#event:postFetch
- EditableRootModelSync#event:preInsert
- EditableRootModelSync#event:postInsert
- EditableRootModelSync#event:preUpdate
- EditableRootModelSync#event:postUpdate
- EditableRootModelSync#event:preRemove
- EditableRootModelSync#event:postRemove
- EditableRootModelSync#event:preSave
- EditableRootModelSync#event:postSave
- Throws
Argument error: The event handlers must be an EventHandlerList object or null.
The name of the model. However, it can be hidden by a model property with the same name.
staticcreate([eventHandlers]) → EditableRootModelSync
Creates a new editable business object instance.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventHandlers |
Yes |
The event handlers of the instance. |
- Throws
Argument error: The event handlers must be an EventHandlerList object or null.
Authorization error: The user has no permission to execute the action.
Data portal error: Creating the business object has failed.
- Returns
A new editable business object.
staticfetch([filter][, method][, eventHandlers]) → EditableRootModelSync
Retrieves an editable business object from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
filter |
any type |
Yes |
The filter criteria. |
method |
string |
Yes |
An alternative fetch method of the data access object. |
eventHandlers |
Yes |
The event handlers of the instance. |
- Throws
Argument error: The method must be a string or null.
Argument error: The event handlers must be an EventHandlerList object or null.
Authorization error: The user has no permission to execute the action.
Data portal error: Fetching the business object has failed.
- Returns
The required editable business object.
Executes all the validation rules of the business object, including the ones of its child objects.
Notes that a child object has changed.
This method is called by child objects.
Initializes a newly created business object.
This method is called by a factory method with the same name.
- Throws
Authorization error: The user has no permission to execute the action.
Data portal error: Creating the business object has failed.
protectedfetch([filter][, method])
Initializes a business object to be retrieved from the repository.
This method is called by a factory method with the same name.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
filter |
any type |
Yes |
The filter criteria. |
method |
string |
Yes |
An alternative fetch method of the data access object. |
- Throws
Argument error: The method must be a string or null.
Authorization error: The user has no permission to execute the action.
Data portal error: Fetching the business object has failed.
Rebuilds the business object from a plain object sent by the client.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
cto |
object |
The client transfer object. |
getBrokenRules([namespace]) → bo.rules.BrokenRulesOutput
Gets the broken rules of the business object.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
namespace |
string |
Yes |
The namespace of the message keys when messages are localizable. |
- Returns
The broken rules of the business object.
getModelState() → string
Gets the state of the model. Valid states are: pristine, created, changed, markedForRemoval and removed.
- Returns
The state of the model.
getResponse([message][, namespace]) → bo.rules.BrokenRulesResponse
Gets the response to send to the client in case of broken rules.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
message |
string |
Yes |
Human-readable description of the reason of the failure. |
namespace |
string |
Yes |
The namespace of the message keys when messages are localizable. |
- Returns
The broken rules response to send to the client.
isDeleted() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object will be deleted from the repository, i.e. its state is markedForRemoval.
- Returns
True when the business object will be deleted, otherwise false.
isDirty() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object itself or any of its child objects differs the one that is stored in the repository, i.e. its state is created, changed or markedForRemoval.
- Returns
True when the business object has been changed, otherwise false.
isNew() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object has been created newly and not has been yet saved, i.e. its state is created.
- Returns
True when the business object is new, otherwise false.
isSavable() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object can be saved to the repository, i.e. it has ben changed and is valid, and the user has permission to save it.
- Returns
True when the user can save the business object, otherwise false.
isSelfDirty() → boolean
Indicates whether the business object itself, ignoring its child objects, differs the one that is stored in the repository.
- Returns
True when the business object itself has been changed, otherwise false.
isValid() → boolean
Indicates whether all the validation rules of the business object, including the ones of its child objects, succeeds. A valid business object may have broken rules with severity of success, information and warning.
- Returns
True when the business object is valid, otherwise false.
Marks the business object to be deleted from the repository on next save.
save() → EditableRootModelSync
Saves the changes of the business object to the repository.
- Throws
Authorization error: The user has no permission to execute the action.
Data portal error: Inserting the business object has failed.
Data portal error: Updating the business object has failed.
Data portal error: Deleting the business object has failed.
- Returns
The business object with the new state after the save.
toCto() → object
Transforms the business object to a plain object to send to the client.
- Returns
The client transfer object.
The event arises after the business object instance has been initialized in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been retrieved from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been created in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been removed from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been saved in the repository. The event is preceded by a postInsert, postUpdate or postRemove event depending on the state of the business object instance.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises after the business object instance has been updated in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
newObject |
The instance of the model after the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be initialized in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be retrieved from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be created in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be removed from the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be saved in the repository. The event is followed by a preInsert, preUpdate or preRemove event depending on the state of the business object instance.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |
The event arises before the business object instance will be updated in the repository.
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
eventArgs |
Data portal event arguments. |
oldObject |
The instance of the model before the data portal action. |