Custom data portal functions

The data portal functions are called when a business object needs some data from a data source or want to persist its data. The function called depends on the action the user does and the state of the business object instance. It is rare that a data portal function should be changed, however, it is an option to modify the working of the business object.

An example case when custom data portal functions are required if the data access objects are available on another host or via a service.

The next table summarizes the data portal functions by the business object types:

dataCreate dataFetch dataInsert dataUpdate dataRemove dataExecute
EditableRootModel x x x x x -
EditableRootCollection - x - - - -
EditableChildModel x x x x x -
EditableChildCollection - - - - - -
ReadOnlyRootModel - x - - - -
ReadOnlyChildModel - x - - - -
ReadOnlyRootCollection - x - - - -
ReadOnlyChildCollection - - - - - -
CommandObject - - - - - x

All data portal function have a context argument of type DataPortalContext. The context object provides the following properties and methods:

  • dao
    The data access object of the actual model, it inherits DaoBase.
  • properties
    An array of PropertyInfo objects that define the properties of the business object.
  • user
    The current user, an object that inherits UserInfo.
  • locale
    A string that determines the current locale. For more info see Internationalization page.
  • connection
    The connection object for the data source. For more info see Data access objects page.
  • isSelfDirty
    A Boolean value that indicates whether the current model instance itself has been changed.
  • setState( connection, isSelfDirty )
    The method sets the new state of the model instance, and returns the context.
  • getValue( propertyName )
    The method expects the name of a property of the business object, and returns the value of the property.
  • setValue( propertyName, value )
    The method expects the name of a property of the business object and its value, and writes the value into the property.

The last argument of data portal functions of asynchronous business objects is always a callback function.

dataCreate( context, callback )

context A DataPortalContext object.
callback A function that expects an optional error: callback(err) { }

The function is called when a new instance of the business object is being created. It provides a way to initialize a new objects using data from the data store. It always calls a function named create on the data access object.

The default create method works in a similar way to that:

// For asynchronous models:
function dataCreate (context, callback) {
  context.dao.create(context.connection, function (err, dto) {
    if (err)
    else {
      context.setValue('propertyName1', dto.propertyName1);
      context.setValue('propertyName2', dto.propertyName2);
      context.setValue('propertyNameN', dto.propertyNameN);

// For synchronous models:
function dataCreate (context) {
  var dto = context.dao.create(context.connection);
  context.setValue('propertyName1', dto.propertyName1);
  context.setValue('propertyName2', dto.propertyName2);
  context.setValue('propertyNameN', dto.propertyNameN);

dataFetch( context, dto, method, callback )

context A DataPortalContext object.
filter A filter object that contains parameters to fetch the data of the required business objects.
method The name of the function on the data access object to call.
callback A function that expects the response data transfer object or an optional error: callback(err, dto) { }

The function is called when an existing instance of the business object is being created. The argument method contains the name of the function of the data access object to be called. Its default value is fetch. Argument method ensures the opportunity to retrieve the business object using different filter conditions.

The default fetch method works in a similar way to that:

// For asynchronous models:
function dataFetch (ctx, dto, method, callback) {
  function cb (err, dto) {
    if (err)
    else {
      context.setValue('propertyName1', dto.propertyName1);
      context.setValue('propertyName2', dto.propertyName2);
      context.setValue('propertyNameN', dto.propertyNameN);
      callback(null, dto);
  var methodName = method || 'fetch';
  dto = context.dao[methodName](context.connection, filter, cb);

// For synchronous models:
function dataFetch (ctx, filter, method) {
  var methodName = method || 'fetch';
  dto = context.dao[methodName](context.connection, filter);
  context.setValue('propertyName1', dto.propertyName1);
  context.setValue('propertyName2', dto.propertyName2);
  context.setValue('propertyNameN', dto.propertyNameN);
  return dto;

dataInsert( context, callback )

context A DataPortalContext object.
callback A function that expects an optional error: callback(err) { }

The function is called when a new instance of the business object is being saved. It always calls a function named insert on the data access object.

The default insert method works in a similar way to that:

// For asynchronous models:
function dataInsert (context, callback) {
  var dto = {
    propertyName1: context.getValue('propertyName1'),
    propertyName2: context.getValue('propertyName2'),
    propertyNameN: context.getValue('propertyNameN')
  context.dao.insert(context.connection, dto, function (err, dto) {
    if (err)
    else {
      context.setValue('propertyKey', dto.propertyKey);

// For synchronous models:
function dataInsert (context, callback) {
  var dto = {
    propertyName1: context.getValue('propertyName1'),
    propertyName2: context.getValue('propertyName2'),
    propertyNameN: context.getValue('propertyNameN')
  dto = context.dao.insert(context.connection, dto);
  context.setValue('propertyKey', dto.propertyKey);
  context.setValue('propertyTimestamp', dto.propertyTimestamp);

dataUpdate( context, callback )

context A DataPortalContext object.
callback A function that expects an optional error: callback(err) { }

The function is called when a modified instance of the business object is being saved. It always calls a function named update on the data access object.

The default update method works in a similar way to that:

// For asynchronous models:
function dataUpdate (context, callback) {
  if (context.isSelfDirty) {
    var dto = {
      propertyName1: context.getValue('propertyName1'),
      propertyName2: context.getValue('propertyName2'),
      propertyNameN: context.getValue('propertyNameN')
    context.dao.update(context.connection, dto, function (err, dto) {
      if (err)
      else {
        context.setValue('propertyTimestamp', dto.propertyTimestamp);

// For synchronous models:
function dataUpdate (context) {
  if (context.isSelfDirty) {
    var dto = {
      propertyName1: context.getValue('propertyName1'),
      propertyName2: context.getValue('propertyName2'),
      propertyNameN: context.getValue('propertyNameN')
    dto = context.dao.update(context.connection, dto);
    context.setValue('propertyTimestamp', dto.propertyTimestamp);

dataRemove( context, callback )

context A DataPortalContext object.
callback A function that expects an optional error: callback(err) { }

The function is called when a business object instance that is marked for removal is being saved. It always calls a function named remove on the data access object.

The default remove method works in a similar way to that:

// For asynchronous models:
function dataRemove (context, callback) {
  var primaryKey = context.getValue('propertyKey');
  context.dao.remove(context.connection, primaryKey, function (err) {
    if (err)

// For synchronous models:
function dataRemove (context) {
  var primaryKey = context.getValue('propertyKey');
  context.dao.remove(context.connection, primaryKey);

dataExecute( context, method, callback )

context A DataPortalContext object.
method The name of the function on the data access object to call.
callback A function that expects the response data transfer object or an optional error: callback(err, dto) { }

The function is called when an instance of a command object is being executed. The argument method contains the name of the function of the data access object to be called. Its default value is execute. Argument method provides the opportunity to execute more actions utilizing the same command object. Its usage is practical when the parameters and the result data of the actions are similar.

The default execute method works in a similar way to that:

// For asynchronous models:
function dataExecute (context, method, callback) {
  function cb (err, dto) {
    if (err)
    else {
      context.setValue('propertyResult', dto.propertyResult);
      callback(null, dto);
  var dto = {
    propertyName1: context.getValue('propertyName1'),
    propertyName2: context.getValue('propertyName2'),
    propertyNameN: context.getValue('propertyNameN')
  var methodName = method || 'execute';
  context.dao[methodName](context.connection, dto, cb);

// For synchronous models:
function dataExecute (ctx, method) {
  var dto = {
    propertyName1: context.getValue('propertyName1'),
    propertyName2: context.getValue('propertyName2'),
    propertyNameN: context.getValue('propertyNameN')
  var methodName = method || 'execute';
  dto = context.dao[methodName](context.connection, dto);
  ctx.setValue('propertyResult', dto.propertyResult);
  return dto;