Rule definitions

All rules are based on RuleBase type, therefore they have the following properties:

  • ruleName
    The name of the rule type. The default value usually the name of the constructor, without the Rule suffix.
  • message
    Human-readable description of the failure of the rule, or the key of the localizable description. Usually rules provide a default localized message.
  • priority
    The priority of the rule. Higher number means higher priority. The default value is 10. The rules of a property are evaluated in descending order of the priority.
  • stopsProcessing
    A Boolean value that indicates whether processing of the rules for a property stops when the rule fails.

The rules fall into two categories: validation rules and authorization rules.

Validation rules

The validation rules ensures that the value of a property meets the required conditions. Validation rule must inherit ValidationRule type, that requires at least the following additional property:

  • primaryProperty
    The definition of the property the rule relates to, it is required.

Validation rules are usually constructed using this pattern:

var validation = new RuleName(primaryProperty, [args, ...] message, priority, stopsProcessing);
// optionally:

See Validation page for more information about validation rules.

Authorization rules

The authorization rules ensures that only users with appropriate privileges can use the business object. Authorization rules must inherit AuthorizationRule type, that adds the following additional properties:

  • action
    The action to be authorized, it is required.
  • target
    Eventual parameter of the authorization action.
  • noAccessBehavior
    The action to do when the rule fails.

Construction of authorization rules generally follow this pattern:

var authorization = new RuleName(action, target, role, message, priority, stopsProcessing);

See Authorization page for more information about authorization rules.

Common and custom rules

The [commonRules] namespace contains some frequently used rules. The lists of the predefined rules are available on Predefined validation rules and Predefined authorization rules pages. In most cases the these rules are enough to set the constraints of business objects:

var rules1 = new Rules(
    cr.maxLength(fullName, 50),
    cr.isInRole(Action.fetchObject, null, 'managers', 'You are not authorized to retrieve employee data.')

// or
var rules2 = new Rules();
rules2.add( cr.required(fullName) );
rules2.add( cr.maxLength(fullName, 50) );
rules2.add( cr.isInRole(Action.fetchObject, null, 'managers', 'You are not authorized to retrieve employee data.') );

If there is no predefined rule in [commonRules] to apply a condition, then a custom rule can be written as described on these pages: Custom validation rules and Custom authorization rules.