Predefined validation rules

The bo.commonRules namespaces contains some validation rules that provides the frequently applied validation rules.


The RequiredRule ensures that the value of a property is not null, and - in case of a Text property - is not an empty string.

The constructor of the rule has no additional argument:

var property = new Property('name', DataType.Text);
var rule = cr.required(property, 'message', 50, false);

Default values:

  • message = 'Property {0} is required.'
    • {0}: the property name
  • priority = 50
  • stopsProcessing = false


The MinValueRule ensures that the value of a property is equal or greater than a given value.

The constructor of the rule has one additional argument:

  • minValue: A number that defines the minimum value of the property.
var property = new Property('price', DataType.Decimal);
var rule = cr.minValue(property, 33.3, 'message', 10, false);

Default values:

  • message = 'The value of property {0} has to be {1} at least.'
    • {0}: the property name
    • {1}: the minimum value of the property
  • priority = 10
  • stopsProcessing = false


The MaxValueRule ensures that the value of a property is equal or less than a given value.

The constructor of the rule has one additional argument:

  • maxValue: A number that defines the maximum value of the property.
var property = new Property('width', DataType.Integer);
var rule = cr.maxValue(property, 123, 'message', 10, false);

Default values:

  • message = 'The value of property {0} cannot exceed {1}.'
    • {0}: the property name
    • {1}: the maximum value of the property
  • priority = 10
  • stopsProcessing = false


The MinLengthRule ensures that the length of a property value is equal or greater than a given value. The value of the property is converted to string.

The constructor of the rule has one additional argument:

  • minLength: A number that defines the minimum length of the property value.
var property = new Property('description', DataType.Text);
var rule = cr.minValue(property, 57, 'message', 10, false);

Default values:

  • message = 'The length of property {0} has to be {1} character(s) at least.'
    • {0}: the property name
    • {1}: the minimum length of the property value
  • priority = 10
  • stopsProcessing = false


The MaxLengthRule ensures that the length of a property value is equal or less than a given value. The value of the property is converted to string.

The constructor of the rule has one additional argument:

  • maxLength: A number that defines the maximum length of the property value.
var property = new Property('abstract', DataType.Text);
var rule = cr.maxValue(property, 256, 'message', 10, false);

Default values:

  • message = 'The length of property {0} cannot exceed {1} character(s).'
    • {0}: the property name
    • {1}: the maximum length of the property value
  • priority = 10
  • stopsProcessing = false


The LengthIsRule ensures that the length of a property value is equal to a given value. The value of the property is converted to string.

The constructor of the rule has one additional argument:

  • length: A number that defines the length of the property value.
var property = new Property('code', DataType.Integer);
var rule = cr.lengthIs(property, 8, 'message', 10, false);

Default values:

  • message = 'The length of property {0} has to be {1} character(s).'
    • {0}: the property name
    • {1}: the length of the property value
  • priority = 10
  • stopsProcessing = false


The ExpressionRule ensures that the property value matches a regular expression. The value of the property is converted to string.

The constructor of the rule has two additional arguments:

  • regex: The regular expression that specifies the rule.
  • option: A NullResultOption member that defines the action to execute when the value is null.
    • returnTrue = The result of the rule will be success.
    • returnFalse = The result of the rule will be failure.
    • convertToEmptyString = The value will be replaced by an empty string.
var property = new Property('plateNumber', DataType.Text);
var rule = cr.expression(property, /[A-Z]{3}-\d{3}/, cr.NullResultOption.returnFalse, 'message', 10, false);

Default values:

  • message = 'Property {0} is invalid.'
    • {0}: the property name
  • priority = 10
  • stopsProcessing = false


The InformationRule ensures that an information is displayed for the property.

The constructor of the rule has no additional argument:

var property = new Property('plateNumber', DataType.Text);
var rule = cr.information(property, 'The plate number must be in AAA-000 format.', 1, false);

Default values:

  • message = {The information to display. Required.}
  • priority = 1
  • stopsProcessing = false


The DependencyRule ensures that the changes of the property value start the rule checking on the dependent properties as well.

The constructor of the rule has one additional argument:

  • dependencies: A single dependent property or an array of them. The type of each dependency item is PropertyInfo.
var spouse = new Property('spouse', DataType.Text);
var isMarried = new Property('isMarried', DataType.Boolean);
var rule = cr.dependency(isMarried, spouse, 'message', -100, false);

Default values:

  • message = {No message.}
  • priority = -100
  • stopsProcessing = false