Class: IsInAnyRoleRule

bo.commonRules. IsInAnyRoleRule

The rule ensures that the user is member of a role from a group.

new IsInAnyRoleRule(action, target, roles, message, priority, stopsProcessing)

Creates a new is-in-any-role rule object.

Name Type Argument Default Description
action bo.rules.AuthorizationAction

The action to be authorized.

target bo.shared.PropertyInfo | string | null <optional>

Eventual parameter of the authorization action.

roles Array.<string>

The names of the roles the user can be member of.

message string

Human-readable description of the rule failure.

priority number <optional>

The priority of the rule.

stopsProcessing boolean <optional>

Indicates the rule behavior in case of failure.

  • Argument error: The action must be a AuthorizationAction item.
  • Argument error: The target must be a PropertyInfo object in case of property read or write.
  • Argument error: The target must be a non-empty string in case of method execution.
  • Argument error: The target must be null in case of model actions.
  • Argument error: The roles must be an array of string values.
  • Argument error: The message must be a non-empty string.



<readonly> message :string

Human-readable description of the rule failure.

  • string
Inherited From:

noAccessBehavior :bo.rules.NoAccessBehavior

The action to do when the rule fails.

Inherited From:

<readonly> priority :number

The priority of the rule. Higher number means higher priority.

  • number
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • 10

<readonly> roles :Array.<string>

The names of the roles the user can be member of.

  • Array.<string>

<readonly> ruleId :string

The identifier of the authorization action. Generally it is the action value, or when target is not empty, the action value and the target name separated by a dot, respectively.

  • string
Inherited From:

<readonly> ruleName :string

The name of the rule type. The default value usually the name of the constructor, without the Rule suffix.

  • string
Inherited From:

<readonly> stopsProcessing :boolean

Indicates whether processing of the rules for a property stops when the rule fails.

  • boolean
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • false


<virtual> execute(userInfo) → {bo.rules.AuthorizationResult|undefined}

Checks if the user is member of a role from the defined group.

Name Type Description
userInfo bo.system.UserInfo

Information about the current user.


Information about the failure.

bo.rules.AuthorizationResult | undefined

initialize(action, target, message, priority, stopsProcessing)

Sets the properties of the rule.

Name Type Argument Default Description
action bo.rules.AuthorizationAction

The action to be authorized.

target bo.shared.PropertyInfo | string | null <optional>

Eventual parameter of the authorization action.

message string

Human-readable description of the rule failure.

priority number <optional>

The priority of the rule.

stopsProcessing boolean <optional>

Indicates the rule behavior in case of failure.

Inherited From:
  • Argument error: The action must be a AuthorizationAction item.
  • Argument error: The target must be a PropertyInfo object in case of property read or write.
  • Argument error: The target must be a non-empty string in case of method execution.
  • Argument error: The target must be null in case of model actions.
  • Argument error: The message must be a non-empty string.

result(message, severity) → {bo.rules.AuthorizationResult}

Returns the result of the rule executed. If the rule fails and the noAccessBehavior property is bo.rules.NoAccessBehavior#throwError, throws an authorization error.

Name Type Argument Description
message string <optional>

Human-readable description of the rule failure.

severity bo.rules.RuleSeverity

The severity of the failed rule.

Inherited From:
Authorization error: The user has no permission to execute the action.

The result of the authorization rule.

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