Class: TransferContext

bo.shared. TransferContext

Provides the context for custom transfer objects.

new TransferContext(properties, getValue, setValue)

Creates a new transfer context object.

Warning: Transfer context objects are created in models internally. They are intended only to make publicly available the values of model properties for custom transfer objects.

Name Type Argument Description
properties Array.<bo.shared.PropertyInfo> <optional>

An array of property definitions.

getValue internal~getValue <optional>

A function that returns the current value of a property.

setValue internal~setValue <optional>

A function that changes the current value of a property.

  • Argument error: The properties must be an array of PropertyInfo objects, or a single PropertyInfo object or null.
  • Argument error: The getValue argument must be a function.
  • Argument error: The setValue argument must be a function.


<readonly> properties :Array.<bo.shared.PropertyInfo>

Array of property definitions that may appear on the transfer object.



getValue(propertyName) → {*}

Gets the current value of a model property.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

The name of the property.


The value of a model property.


setValue(propertyName, value)

Sets the current value of a model property.

Name Type Description
propertyName string

The name of the property.

value *

The new value of the property.

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